The US 2020 Presidential Election Prediction: What went wrong!

First I have to apologize it has taken me so long to get to this. I think it is very important to examine the results and see just where the prediction went wrong. It is important to see if the techniques were invalid and wrong or if, and this is more likely, the astrologer (meaningContinue reading “The US 2020 Presidential Election Prediction: What went wrong!”

The Star of Bethlehem

This is a topic that has piqued my curiosity for years now. As a Christian & a traditional/classical astrologer, I have read just about every theory out there and devoted some time to examining the various arguments, speculations, and facts we can point to. We are dealing with ancient history; sometimes the evidence is ambiguousContinue reading “The Star of Bethlehem”

US Elections 2020

I have been intensely debating with myself whether or not to share the charts that I have looked at with regard to the upcoming election in the US. It seems over the last few years there has developed this culture of, “who made the prediction”, like it is some kind of game show. These kindsContinue reading “US Elections 2020”

The Conjunctions of Saturn & Mars in Historical Astrology & A Look at Recent Events

Something I have been seeing more and more over the last few years is just how significant the Saturn/Mars conjunctions are in the greater scheme of national events. It is a subject that several of the Persian authors spent time documenting in their own national forums. The correlation of events like riots and rebellions andContinue reading “The Conjunctions of Saturn & Mars in Historical Astrology & A Look at Recent Events”

The National Chart for the US… Is Sibley correct?

I am intrigued! Why is a declaration of intent a birth? I have several business clients and they consult with me on the affairs of their businesses. How does one cast a chart for a business? Is it when the owners first conceive the idea and declare their intent? The answer is no! For businesses,Continue reading “The National Chart for the US… Is Sibley correct?”

Understanding modern events through Astrology

One of the main tenets of understanding the historical astrology of astrologers like Abu Ma’shār lies in the understanding of their conception of history. We read for example, “Saturn, is the indication for matters of Beginnings like religions, dynasties, and whatever lasts for a long time, since it is like the beginning for the otherContinue reading “Understanding modern events through Astrology”

A General Overview of the History and Development of Mundane Astrology as Seen in Medieval Astrological Teachings

There is generally accepted by the scholars and historians of scientific and astronomical development, three distinct early stages of astrology. Mundane astrology is most likely the oldest branch of astrology! The first stage (ca. 1700 – 1600 B.C.E.) involves the omen lore of the ancient cultures. The most extensive omen lore that has been uncovered isContinue reading “A General Overview of the History and Development of Mundane Astrology as Seen in Medieval Astrological Teachings”