Natal Astrology Consultation

Example Natal Chart

What is in the Natal Astrology consultation:

This is the delineation (interpretation) of the natal constellation (horoscope). The basic delineation includes understanding the Ascendant, which is you, and your qualities & character, temperament and primary motivation. It also includes any 3 topics you would like to focus on; whether it is relationships, profession, livelihood, family, sickness or health etc. If there is nothing specific then I will judge what areas of your life are the most highlighted and will delineate those areas. Or it may be that you have a special need or subject you want to discuss. Feel free to come with that. I will also examine the promise and see what the current year has to offer for you.

This consultation includes a 45 min. introductory online meeting where we can meet and talk and you can tell me a little about yourself and I can answer any questions you may have about me. I then will cast the chart and do the delineation which is written. I will send it to you and then if you have any questions, we can meet online in a one hour meeting to discuss them. If you so desire, this conversation can be recorded and an MP3 copy will be sent to you for your reference.

What I need from you:

I need the following information in order to calculate your natal chart:

1. Your birth date – month, day and year (e.g. May 6, 1978).
2. Location of birth – i.e. the city & country. (evt. State if your country has them)
3. The exact time that you were born – The exact time of birth is necessary when calculating and interpreting a natal chart, so this must be as close to exact as possible if you wish to receive an accurate reading. Preferably the time should be derived from your birth certificate. Please let me know the source of your birth time and how accurate you think that it is when you schedule the consultation. If you are not certain about your birth time then please let me know.

If the birth time is not known then an alternative is to ask for a horary question concerning the topic you are interested in.

If you are interested or have a question concerning getting a consultation please fill out the form below and send…. I will be glad to get back to you.

The client alone is responsible for any actions taken after a consultation. An Astrological report is a useful tool for mapping out life; it’s opportunities and possible pitfalls, but it is not cast in stone. It can provide a different perspective on life situations or events, but it cannot change them!

Natal Consultation form